Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to admit, “I NEED HELP!” However, admitting that help is needed may be one of the bravest things that you can do. It places you on a journey called change. Although change is challenging it is necessary for you to experience a better quality of life. If you do not like where you are right now, it is imperative for you to realize it and get help in getting to where you want to be.
So how do I recognize that “I NEED HELP”? Assess your life. To do this properly you will need to:
Pull away from distractions (including social media/cell phones) for at least 2 hours.
Ask yourself some deep questions.
i. How am I emotionally? Am I in tune with my feelings?
1. Am I battling fear? If so, what am I afraid of?
2. Am I angry? If so, why am I angry?
3. Am I hopeless and sad? What’s causing this?
4. Am I battling hurt and feeling defeated?
5. Are you having relationship problems and dealing with heartbreak?
6. Are you irritable most of the time and not pleased with where you are in life?
7. Have you had difficulty sleeping because your mind is filled with so much worry, fear and stress?
8. Are you using alcohol and drugs to cope with your present state of being?
9. Have you found yourself eating excessively or experiencing a lack of appetite?
10. Are you becoming less and less active and involved in gatherings, activities and social interactions?
These questions search the deep part of your soul. They will cause you to come face to face with what’s going on with you inside. It is here that you take back control of your mental and emotional wellbeing and decide to get help and make a change. Find someone that you know you can trust. Talk to them about what you are dealing with emotionally. Allow them to help you or refer you to someone who can help. Be determined to heal and get free from these emotional bondages. Recognizing is the first step. After you recognize take responsibility in getting and receiving the help that is needed to make a change. A better quality of life is available for you, be determined to experience and live it.
Johnson’s Counseling would like to help you in this journey.You are our priority, and we want to assist you in experiencing a life of purpose and fulfillment.